We took her as a one-month-old kitten on October 2, 2009, from an acquaintance who lived somewhere on Chernyshevskogo Street.

Pretty quickly Vasya became part of our family.

Only now it became clear how much she is integrated into our lives. When we wake up in the morning—she calls you into the kitchen to feed her, when we leave for school and work—she sees us off, when we come back—she meets us, when we have dinner—she invariably lies down somewhere nearby, when to bathe–she comes into the bathroom on the warm floor.

Vasilisa is a very clean cat. As soon as I touch her fur with my finger, she immediately starts licking the place. That's probably why I really liked her smell. She didn't smell like a cat, she smelled like home, cozy and warm. Every cat lover knows what I mean.

Now that she's gone, the house feels empty and sad. She seems to be everywhere: either lying on the desk chair, or lying on the bathroom floor. At night there is some rustling - oh, it's Vasya going into the kitchen to get something to eat.

On May 20, 2022, Vasya died, after a rather rough night. I took her to the vet clinic to have her put to sleep. But when I arrived, it was already too late. Sleep, Vasilisa, in peace.

You will always be our beloved kitty.